
Stephen Strom, husband and photographer
Verve Gallery of Photography, Santa Fe, NM
ArtsEye, a Tucson gallery
Open Shutter Gallery, Durango, CO
Metamorphosis Art Gallery, Patagonia, AZ
Sticks and Stones - an alphabet book for the 21st century (soon an e-book)
Sand Mirrors: not mind, not sand, not water, Richard B. Clarke & Stephen E. Strom,
Polytropos Press
Earth Forms , Stephen E. Strom, Dewi Lewis Pub.
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson
The Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado Springs, CO
Mary Virginia Swanson, photography consultant and educator
Marketing Photos Blog
Thomas Kellner, photographer and curator
Photographic Works, for your art printing needs
Luminous-Lint, photography database